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Diana 2021.12.16/21:19:41
Confidence is a mind that believes that you can handle something with your own ability. And arrogance is an arrogant attitude or action. -> Confidence is a state of mind/way of thinking/attitude where you believe that you can handle something on your own/with no help.
And arrogance is an arrogant attitude or action -> According to the dictionary, arrogance is "an attitude of superiority."

We can know difference between the confidence and arrogance in result -> We can know difference between the confidence and arrogance by how people behave.

Most confidence people do their jobs, but most arrogance people don’t their jobs -> For example, most confident people do their jobs, but most arrogant people don’t do their jobs.

People’s compliments about me make me confident -> What makes me confident is when people compliment me.

Because compliments about me is people’s eyes -> People's compliments are based on/coming from their own perspective