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Diana 2022.01.13/21:21:15
This place is consist of rooms --> This place consists of rooms

Also students can use it 1800 won per hour --> Also, students can use it for 1800 won per hour

burdensome <-- Excellent vocabulary word here, Yuna!! ⭐⭐

If you go this place, you can read comic book --> If you go to this place, you can read comic books and play board games

eat some foods --> eat some food

Also this place’s interior is good <-- Excellent job using the possessive form ('s) here, Yuna,!! ⭐⭐ **One note about vocabulary: "good" --> nice, beautiful, interesting, modern, artistic, decorative

If you have not go this place, you should spend fun time with your people in this place --> If you have not been to this place, you should have fun / spend time with your friends or family here