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Diana 2022.01.27/21:17:42
I usally draw with my ipad with app called to Ibis Paint -> I usually draw with my iPad (with an app called Ibis Paint / I usually draw with my iPad using an app called Ibis Paint)

Why I like it because it is fun and interesting -> I like it because it is fun and interesting

Its benefits are good feel -> Its benefits are that it feels good and improves creativity

If I draw a cool, I feel better with compliments from around people -> If I draw something nice/ If I draw a nice picture, I feel better from the compliments I get

Hobby for I want to learn or do is knitting -> The hobby I want to learn is knitting

because I think it is fun, interesting, and useful -> The hobby I want to learn is knitting because I think it is fun, interesting, and useful

I want to make my scarf or toque with knitting -> I want to knit myself a scarf or a toque