로그인을 하시면 댓글을 작성할 수 있습니다.

닐잉글리쉬 2020.07.24/13:03:17
안녕하세요~ woo rihae님~~
Emily 선생님과의 수업에 대한 소중한 후기 감사드립니다. Emily선생님께서는 영어와 스페인어 둘다 능통하셔서 영어로 스페인어를 배우면 1석 2조의 효과가 있으실겁니다.
woo rihae님의 언어공부를 항상 응원하며, 닐잉글리쉬와 함께해주셔서 감사합니다.
Emily 2020.07.27/09:30:26
It is my pleasure to provide Woo Rihae with a fun and learning environment. I am so proud of him and how far he has come with the English and Spanish language. Thank you for your kinds words, it means a lot to me especially knowing that your child loves my class.
Emily 2020.07.27/09:31:21
Thank you for choosing me as your teacher. It has been a pleasure to work with Woo Rihae :)
woo rihae 2020.07.27/15:20:27
We are so happy that you are our teacher.
I hope to meet you offline someday. :D