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< 오늘의 한단어 - back to the drawing board > back to the drawing board (이전의 계획등이 실패한 후) 계획을 다시 잡다 /원점으로 돌아가다 Revising something (such as a plan) from the beginning, typically after it has failed. examples) That ad campaign was not as successful as we had hoped. Back to the drawing board. 저 광고 캠페인이 우리가 희망한것 처럼 성공하지 않았다. 처음으로 다시 돌아가야해. We need to go back to the drawing board on this project. I think it had some fundamental flaws from the start. 우리는 이 프로젝트 원점으로 돌아가야해. 처음부터 근본적인 결함이 있었다고 생각해 |