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< 오늘 한단어 - play it by ear > play it by ear (사전 계획을 세우기보다) 그때그때 봐서[사정을 봐 가면서] 처리하다 By extension, to make decisions about what action to take in an adaptive, flexible way, based on the circumstances. In this usage, a noun or pronoun is used between "play" and "by ear." examples) A: "Are we meeting at noon on Saturday?" B: "Around then. I have to run some errands in the morning, so let's play things by ear." A: "토요일 정오에 만날까?" B: "그때 쯤. 아침에 심부름을 해야 하니.그때쯤 보자" I could tell he had forgotten his notes and was playing the presentation by ear. 나는 그가 자신의 노트를 잊어버려서 계획에 없었지만 프레젠테이션을 알아서 상황에 맞게 잘 처리 하고 있다는걸 알았다. |