닐잉글리쉬에서 회원님을 위해 안내해 드립니다.
미국 유치원, 초중고 학교에서 학습교재로 사용하는 잡지형태의 교재 리스트 입니다. 아래 학년별(미국원어민 기준)로 분류하였고, 샘플본 보실수 있도록 링크 걸어두었어요. 'click to open' 클릭하시면 샘플 보실수 있습니다. 잡지뿐만아니라 오디오, 동영상, 게임, 액티버티 등을 함께 이용 가능하십니다. 교재구독 및 화상영어수업에 접목하여 사용하실 학부모님들은 매니저에게 연락주세요. * 카톡: 닐잉글리쉬, 전화: 1588-3416 (상담시간 : 오후 7시 ~ 밤 11시까지) * Scholastic은 1920년도에 설립되어 교육관련 서적 및 잡지 등의 교육용 자료를 출판하여 미국 국공립/사립학교 뿐만아니라 전세계 학교에 제공하고 있는 미국 뉴욕에 본사를 둔 대형출판사입니다. 많이 알려진 책 중에서는 The Secrets of Droon, Junie B. Jones, Magic Tree House (마법의 시간 여행), Harry Potter (해리포터) 등이 있습니다. Get your early learners school-ready with My Big World, the delightful nonfiction magazine made just for them. Each issue introduces kids to their world with colorful photos and simple nonfiction on seasonal themes. Learning activities and online resources also help you build the language, movement, and social development skills your students need to succeed in kindergarten. Pre-K, Biweekly.
Get students excited about reading and learning with simple, fun nonfiction that brings your seasonal themes to life! Every issue expands knowledge with curriculum-connected topics and builds reading skills with activities on concepts of print, sight words, phonics, and more! Subscriptions include BIG Issues, posters, and online resources like videos, games, and Text-to-Speech audio. Kindergarten, Weekly.
Every week, our first-grade magazine helps you build reading skills and increase science and social studies knowledge with engaging informational texts, complete lesson plans, and online resources like videos, Text-to-Speech audio, Spanish translations, games, and more.
Build the reading skills and content area knowledge second graders need most with on-level nonfiction, ready-to-go lesson plans and online resources like videos, Text-to-Speech audio, Spanish translations, games, and more.
Written just for third graders, Scholastic News brings kid-friendly current events into your classroom! Every issue features on-level informational texts, lesson plans that meet today’s standards, and online resources like digital issues, Text-to-Speech audio, videos, Spanish translations, and so much more.
Connect current events to your curriculum! Written just for grade 4, Scholastic News builds ELA skills and content area knowledge with current nonfiction, step-by-step lesson plans, and online features like videos, games, multiple reading levels, and more.
Use current events to build language arts skills and content area knowledge. Made just for students in grades 5 and 6, Scholastic News features high-interest informational texts, standards-based lesson plans, and online features like videos, games, multiple reading levels, and more.
Empower your struggling readers with thrilling texts written at accessible reading levels! Skills sheets, quizzes, and alternate Lexile® levels guarantee each student gets the scaffolded support they need to build reading confidence and stamina. Customize instruction even further with online resources like closed-captioned videos, Text-to-Speech audio, ELA games, and so much more. Grades 6–12 (reading level 3–5), Biweekly.