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< 오늘의 한단어 - an acquired taste > acquired taste (처음엔 별로 안 좋아했는데 서서히) 좋아하게 된 것 Something, especially food or drink, that is unpleasant at first, but which becomes (or will become) more enjoyable over time. examples) I once thought sushi was totally gross, but I've found that it's something of an acquired taste. 나는 한때 스시가 완전히 이상한 맛이라고 생각했지만, 그것이 점점 좋아 지게 되었습니다. A: "Mom, that's disgusting." B: "Yeah, coffee is an acquired taste, but you'll probably acquire it once you become a sleep-deprived adult, like me." A: "엄마, 그거 역겨워." B: "그래, 커피는 시간이 지나야 좋아져. 나처럼 잠이 부족한 성인이 되면 아마 알게 될 거야." |